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Crucial road safety tips for older drivers

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2022 | Car Accidents |

Having many years of driving experience under your belt can prepare you for just about any situation you might encounter on the road. Even so, age can also take its toll on your vision and reaction time.

As you grow older, it becomes increasingly necessary to prioritize certain safety practices more and more. The sooner your start incorporating a few of these crucial safety tips, the safer you will be whenever you get behind the wheel.

Avoid driving in poor visibility

It goes without saying that driving at night or during heavy precipitation is more dangerous than in plain daylight, but the risk goes up if your eyesight deteriorates. Similarly, you should clean both the inside and outside of windshields to reduce visually-obstructive smudges.

Be aware of spacing

Keeping a reasonable amount of space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you is an effective defensive driving tactic. Older adults may have slower reaction times, so this behavior can protect you in instances when the driver in front of you performs a sudden brake.

Check for medicine risks

If you take any prescription or over-the-counter medicines, it is important to know how any possible side effects might affect your driving. Check with your doctor or refer to the medicines risk fact sheet provided by the CDC.

Practicing road safety is something that everyone of all ages should commit to habit. You can prevent the risk of injury to yourself and others by being conscious of how your actions might contribute to the possibility of an accident.

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